Useful Ressources
Our partner establishments: awakening units, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and other ressources.
Awakening units - Belgium
Centre de Traumatologie et de Réadaptation = CTR
Hôpital Léonard de Vinci
Nursing homes - Belgium
Rehabilitation Centers - Belgium
Champ des Alouettes 30
4557 Fraiture-En-Condroz
+ 32 85 51 91 11
Centre de jour et Service d'accompagnement :
Rue de Neerpede 165
1070 Bruxelles
+32 25 23 04 94
Centre de Réadaptation fonctionnelle cognitive
Rue de la Vigne 56
1070 Bruxelles
+32 25 22 20 03
Avenue Hippocrate 10
1200 Bruxelles
+32 27 64 17 79
CHU Brugmann
Place Arthur Van Gehuchten 4
1020 Bruxelles (Laeken)
+32 24 77 21 11
International ressources
Navigating the journey of brain injury recovery can be overwhelming for individuals, families, and caregivers. Access to the right support, treatment, and information is crucial in improving quality of life and rehabilitation outcomes. This section provides a curated list of international organizations, research centers, and support networks dedicated to brain injury care, rehabilitation, and advocacy.
Whether you are looking for specialized medical facilities, family support groups, or the latest research on disorders of consciousness, these resources aim to connect you with the guidance and expertise you need. Our mission is to ensure that no one faces the challenges of brain injury alone—help is available worldwide.
Explore the resources below to find support in your region and beyond.
Specialized Clinics and Rehabilitation Centers:
Institut Guttmann: Located in Barcelona, this neurorehabilitation hospital specializes in the medical and surgical treatment of patients with neurological injuries, including DoC.
Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos: Based in Toledo, this hospital focuses on the rehabilitation of spinal cord injuries and offers services for patients with neurological disorders.
Centro de Referencia Estatal de Atención al Daño Cerebral (CEADAC): Situated in Madrid, CEADAC provides rehabilitation services for individuals with acquired brain injuries, including those in altered states of consciousness.
Family Support Groups:
Federación Española de Daño Cerebral (FEDACE): This federation comprises various associations across Spain dedicated to supporting individuals with brain injuries and their families. They offer resources, counseling, and support networks.
Asociación de Daño Cerebral de Madrid (APANEFA): Based in Madrid, APANEFA provides support services, workshops, and counseling for families affected by brain injuries.